Eric Rybarczyk

Eric Rybarczyk

Enthusiastic and motivated software engineer with diverse experience

AWS & Java Certified Developer

I Wanna Rest!

Fundamentals of REST API development with Spring Boot

Eric Rybarczyk

guitar lying on stage with effects pedals
Feature photo by Bernie Almanzar on Unsplash

API development with a REST approach is a widely used standard for providing application functionality over a network. Spring Boot provides robust capabilities for implementing your API, and this blog series will provide a solid introduction to developing and testing a REST API with Spring Boot.

Guide to the Series: REST Fundamentals with Spring Boot

Throughout this series of blog posts we will gradually develop a modest web API using a Work Order subject domain. This is aligned with my Spring Bike Clinic demo website project, where customers can submit bicycle repair requests. The API we develop will allow the fictional bike shop to manage these work requests.

Database Objects

The data model is shown in the following SQL Script, generated for a MySQL database. Minor changes may be required if you are using a different database platform. We will keep this simple with a single table since relational database design and optimisation are outside the scope of this blog series.

We will utilize the H2 database for local development, with JPA & Hibernate for all database interaction.
You do not need a MySQL instance, H2 will be sufficient.

CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS demo_rest_fundamentals;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS demo_rest_fundamentals.work_orders
    id                        CHAR(36)     NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    created_date_time         DATETIME     NULL,
    bike_description          VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    work_description          VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL
    status                    VARCHAR(50)  NOT NULL,
    mechanic_notes            VARCHAR(255) NULL

Source Code

You can either code along in your own Spring Boot project from or just follow along by cloning my GitHub repo associated with this blog series.

$ git clone
$ cd SpringBikeClinic.API

Let’s Roll

Now we can start to GET All The Things.

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Enthusiastic and motivated software engineer