Eric Rybarczyk

Eric Rybarczyk

Enthusiastic and motivated software engineer with diverse experience

AWS & Java Certified Developer

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IntelliJ Postfix Completion

A smart, efficient twist on code completion

Eric Rybarczyk

computer keyboard

I like to learn more efficient ways to use my dev tools, and making good use of the keyboard shortcuts in IntelliJ IDEA is a significant example. When I first saw Postfix Completion in use, I think my reaction was "Oooh… I need to start using that trick!" In this post, I’ll illustrate a few of these special code completion options.

Save JWT in a Postman Environment Variable

Automatically save your updated bearer token for use in other API calls

Eric Rybarczyk

Postman IDE Screenshot

When using Postman to access or test API endpoints that require authentication, such as a JWT or Bearer Token, you will quickly grow tired of manually updating the token value in multiple Postman request tabs, particularly if it expires in a short time period. Fortunately it is simple to automate this process, and this quick tip will show you how.

Mock Custom User

Building a Mock object for custom UserDetails implementations in Spring Security

Eric Rybarczyk

spring security guard

While working through the Spring Security aspects of my project, I implemented SecurityUser, a custom UserDetails object which was composed with a User database entity. For unit testing my @Controller code, I wanted a clean way to provide a mock instance of my custom user type.

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Enthusiastic and motivated software engineer