Eric Rybarczyk

Eric Rybarczyk

Enthusiastic and motivated software engineer with diverse experience

AWS & Java Certified Developer

Don't DELETE Me Bro

Deleting Data in a Spring Boot REST API

Eric Rybarczyk

Beverage containers piled in waste bin

Some say that all good things must come to an end. While this exploration of the DELETE method marks the end of this article series, you’ll see that deletion is not necessarily the end of life for the data items backing your REST API.

To Put or to Patch

Updating Data in a Spring Boot REST API

Eric Rybarczyk

Patch cables with audio equipment

When the time comes to handle data updates via a REST API, we may have a choice to make. The list of HTTP verbs, which are the basis for REST operations, includes both PUT and PATCH. Each of these provide a way to update existing resources, and we will cover both in this article.

Send It, POST-Haste

POST accepts new data into a Spring Boot REST API

Eric Rybarczyk

row of mailboxes

Wiring up a controller method to support POST requests isn’t all that different from setting up a GET handler. However, taking data in to our API raises new considerations. How do we make sure the input meets our quality standards? How do we handle the fields required in our data layer that are not provided by the input object?

Mock Custom User

Building a Mock object for custom UserDetails implementations in Spring Security

Eric Rybarczyk

spring security guard

While working through the Spring Security aspects of my project, I implemented SecurityUser, a custom UserDetails object which was composed with a User database entity. For unit testing my @Controller code, I wanted a clean way to provide a mock instance of my custom user type.

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Enthusiastic and motivated software engineer