Eric Rybarczyk

Eric Rybarczyk

Enthusiastic and motivated software engineer with diverse experience

AWS & Java Certified Developer

Practice Makes Future

The day you practice for something you're not paid to do...

Eric Rybarczyk

Passion Led Us Here
Feature photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

I appreciate talented motivational speakers, and I find value in reflecting on positive ideas about personal and professional improvement. I’ve re-watched this short video of Krish Dhanam once or twice a year - often enough that many of Krish’s statements stick with me.

I don’t want to pull complete quotes from the video, because watching the four minute clip below is a better way for you to gain from Krish’s insights, but I’ll tease a few sentence fragments that resonate with me most significantly…

The day you practice for something you’re not paid to do…

If you’re at point A and you want to be at point B…

I can identify with these ideas, and I want to be reminded of them, because they have proven beneficial to me over many years. From my original path into a career in I.T. and software development, to completing my Android Developer Nanodegree and more recently passing the Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 11 Developer certification, I’ve always been driven by a desire to learn more, and to set goals that push me to expand my knowledge and abilities. Doing so has quite often resulted in new opportunities and adventures, and I anticipate more in the future.

I encourage you to watch this short video, it is worth four minutes of your time. And stick around for the end.

“I wish I had…” or…

You can learn more about Krish Dhanam at or at his own YouTube Channel.

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Enthusiastic and motivated software engineer